State of the art Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) for indoor including HetNets architectures
Hybrid VLC-WLAN 802.11ad-LTE with Soft HO algorithms
Building blocks to support the paradigm of VLC-DAS (Visible Light Communications Distributed Antenna System)
Innovative very low radiation DAS architectures (VLR-DAS)
Distribution of ultra-high speed data beyond 10Gbps for residential buildings
Downloading guided information in public places (smart-home, train station, museums, supermarkets)
Minimizing wireless radiation in sensitive places as hospitals
About Us
Founded in 2001 by Dr. Moshe Ran. Key activities:
Management of collaborative projects
Evaluation services to Israel Innovation Authority
Key customers: SMEs in IL and Europe
Success stories: EU FP5 UROOF project, HOMESNET CELTIC, H2020 Internet of Radio-Light (IoRL) project #761992, 2017-2020